Sold - For Sale/Sold Rocking Horses
Products In This Category:
- £850.00
- FH Ayres Bow Rocker 1919 restored with a pommel SOLD
- £2,900.00
- Stevenson Dapple 36.5in Rocking Horse from 2000
- £1,500.00
- Collinsons 44.5in Sohail
- £450.00
- Tommy FH Ayres Spring Stand Rocking Horse RARE
- £3,500.00
- Lines original paint with thistle logo and end seats 44in
- £0.00
- Carousel Horse on Plinth hand carved ex large 54in tall
- £1,050.00
- Haddon Pony (ayres style) professionally restored new stand OOAK 46in
- £1,200.00
- FH Ayres fully restored 31in rocking horse c1915
- £925.00
- Haddon Large Rocking Horse White Mane & Tail 50in Removable Tack
- £900.00
- Seraphine - G&J Lines, extra carved, newly restored
- £1,950.00
- Haddon Pony original Wallingford TLC BARGAIN BUY
- £375.00
- Mahogany Rocking Horse by Kings Horses 48in
- £575.00
- Haddon Rocking Horse Large Dapple Grey 1976 restored by Haddon immaculate
- £1,250.00
- Hand Crafted Rocking Horse Lime wood on Oak Stand 40in
- £1,000.00
- Collinsons fully restored 52in
- £1,195.00
- Hand Crafted Large 50in Rocking Horse by Ken Shawley
- £1,200.00
- Mahogany Carved Rocking Horse 46in Fran made by John & Dorothy Woods
- £1,500.00
- Stevenson Dapple Jeremy 38in
- £1,400.00
- Ayres Ralphie Small 33in
- £0.00